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Tebra Help Center

Enroll for Electronic Insurance Services

Updated: 10/09/2023|Views: 67341

Tebra makes it easy to submit claims and other transactions electronically. Once an insurance company is added to your Tebra account, submit enrollment requests for electronic service connections through our Enrollment wizard. Enrollments are completed with the Billing Tax ID and NPI used for submitting claims per the practice's/provider's agreement with the insurance companies.

Even if you've used electronic services in the past, a user with System Administrator, Provider, or Biller permissions must complete the enrollment process in Tebra. Before enrolling for electronic services for Claims, Eligibility, and/or ERAs:

You always navigate to the Enrollments Dashboard to start an enrollment request, edit, or delete a draft enrollment request. 

Navigate to Enrollments Dashboard

  • Click Settings > Insurance > Insurance Companies. The Insurance Companies window also known as the Enrollments Dashboard opens.

Enroll for Electronic Services

  • Click Enroll. The Enrollment wizard opens.
    Note: Once started, the Save for Later option is available in each step of the wizard. For more detailed explanations of each step, use the FAQ section on the right of the window.
    • To edit, continue, or delete a previously saved but unfinished enrollment request, click Draft Enrollment.

Enrollment Type

  1. Click to select the type of enrollment:
    • Group: Enrolls all providers in the practice for the selected electronic service(s).
    • Individual: Enrolls a specific provider for the selected electronic service(s).
      • If selected, click the Select a provider to enroll drop-down arrow to select the specific provider.
  2. Questions about enrollments: These questions only need to be answered once per group and provider. Once answered, the Enrollment questions for this group/provider previously submitted is noted in the Enrollment wizard. 
    1. Click Yes or No to indicate whether or not this group/provider has billed the insurance companies electronically with the previous software.
    2. Click Yes or No to indicate whether or not this group/provider has received ERAs from the insurance companies with the previous software.
    3. If Yes is selected in one or both questions, click the drop-down arrow to indicate the clearinghouse used:
      • If TriZetto/GatewayEDI, enter the current TriZetto Site ID.
      • If Other, enter the name of the primary clearinghouse used with the previous software.
  3. The Tax ID and NPI auto-populates based on the data entered during the New Practice Setup Wizard.
  4. Click Next. The Transfer of Authorization window opens.

Transfer of Authorization

The Transfer of Authorization Form (TAF) helps expedite the enrollment process by authorizing Tebra to sign insurance company Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) agreements on your behalf. Skipping this step may cause delays in your practice getting paid. 
Note: Only one TAF is required for group enrollments and each provider. Once the enrollment request is submitted, open the saved .pdf file and follow the instructions to complete and upload the TAF when ready.

  1. Click Download & Proceed.
  2. Save the downloaded TAF .pdf file. The Insurance Selection window opens.



Insurance Selection

  1. Click + or anywhere on a listed insurance company to add it to the Selected Insurances section.
    Tip_Icon.png Tip: When there are numerous insurances listed, use the Search list box to enter all or part of the insurance company name or payer ID.
    Note: Only insurances that require and are ready for electronic services enrollment are listed.
    • To remove Selected Insurances, click the trash icon.
  2. Verify the practice is credentialed, contracted, or participating with all selected insurances then click to acknowledge. 
  3. Click Next. The Practice Information window opens.

Practice Information

  1. Verify the Practice Information is current and the same for all selected insurances.
  2. Click Yes or No to indicate whether or not the practice/provider has moved in the past 6 months.
    • If Yes is selected, enter the previous address. 
  3. Click Next. The Contact Information window opens.

Contact Information

  1. Verify the practice's main point of contact is up to date. This contact is who Tebra can reach out to if there are any questions during the enrollments process.  
  2. If Medicare/Medicaid was a selected insurance, click Yes or No to indicate whether or not the main point of contact is recognized by Medicare/Medicaid as the authorized signer for this NPI. 
    • If no, enter the authorized signer's information to be used to populate enrollment forms.
  3. Click Next. The Electronic Insurance Enrollments window opens.

Electronic Insurance Enrollments

  1. Click to select the available electronic service(s): "Claims," Eligibility", and/or "ERAs" to enroll in for each insurance. 
    Tip_Icon.png Tip: To enroll in a service for all insurances listed, use the Select All options. 
    Note: Pre-selected checkboxes indicate transactions are automatically included without additional enrollment requirements. Some insurance companies may not support all services. If a service is not displayed, it is not available.
    • If required for the enrollment, enter additional information (e.g., Provider Number).
  2. Click Submit Enrollment when finished. The enrollment request is submitted.
    Note: An email confirmation is sent to the user that submits the enrollment request.

Statuses for each electronic service displays on the Enrollments Dashboard. To learn more, review the Enrollment Status Indicators.


Upload Transfer of Authorization Form (TAF)

If necessary, follow the instructions in the previously downloaded and saved Transfer of Authorization Form (TAF) to complete it. Then, upload the scanned file.

  1. Click Documents > Add Document from File. The Upload Document window opens.
  2. Click File then search for and select the scanned TAF.
  3. Click the Document Label drop-down arrow and select Other.
  4. Enter "TAF" as the Name.
  5. Click Add. The scanned TAF is uploaded into the Tebra account's Documents
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