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Tebra Help Center

Enrollment Status Indicators

Updated: 09/01/2023|Views: 19493

After submitting enrollment requests for electronic insurance service(s) for Claims, Eligibility and/or ERAs, refer to the Enrollments Dashboard for status updates and items that require action from the practice.

Navigate to Enrollments Dashboard

  • Click Settings > Insurance > Insurance Companies. The Insurance Companies window opens.
    Note: The Insurance Companies window is also known as the Enrollments Dashboard.

Enrollment Status Indicators

Status Description Displays When Next Step
Approved Claims: Start sending claims immediately. 

Eligibility: Start checking eligibility immediately. 

ERAs: Does not apply.
The payer has either approved the enrollment request or enrollment is not required. Configure settings for each insurance company.
Request Received The enrollment request has been received by Tebra. The enrollment request has been submitted but not yet triaged. No action required by the practice.
Work in Progress The enrollment request is under review by the Tebra Enrollments. The enrollment request is being triaged. Tebra Enrollments prepares forms for payer enrollment.
Note: If additional information is required, emails are sent to the contact provided in step 5 of Enrollments wizard.
Pending Insurance The request has been sent to the payer for processing. All payer enrollment forms have been submitted to the payer. Tebra Enrollments follows up with the payer for enrollment processing updates.
Pending First ERA Claims: Does not apply.

Eligibility: Does not apply. 

ERAs: Pending first ERA from the payer. Please allow 30-45 days for delivery.
The enrollment has been approved by the payer and the practice is waiting for an ERA to be received in the Desktop Application (PM). Once the ERA is received in the Desktop Application (PM), post the payment.
ERA Received Claims: Does not apply.

Eligibility: Does not apply. 

ERAs: Enrollment request is approved and the practice is receiving ERAs.
At least one ERA has been received from the payer and the payment has been posted in the Desktop Application (PM). No further action required.
Action Required Enrollment cannot continue until action items are resolved by the practice. Action is required by the practice to complete enrollment. Check email for enrollment instructions.
Note: Emails are sent to the contact provided in step 5 of Enrollments wizard.
N/A Claims: The payer does not support electronic claims.

Eligibility: The payer does not support electronic eligibility checks.

ERAs: The payer does not support ERAs.
The electronic service is not supported by the payer, clearinghouse, or Tebra. No further action required.
Cancelled The enrollment request has been canceled.  The enrollment request has been canceled. Reasons for cancelation may include: customer request, duplicate submission, or the payer is no longer active. If necessary, submit a new enrollment request for the payer. Otherwise, no further action required.
Denied The enrollment request has been denied by the payer. The enrollment request has been denied by the payer. Check email for information about the enrollment denial.
Note: Emails are sent to the contact provided in step 5 of Enrollments wizard.
On Hold The enrollment request is on hold. Please check email for details. Enrollment cannot continue for an undetermined length of time due to a processing issue with the payer, clearinghouse, or Tebra. Check email for additional information.
Note: Emails are sent to the contact provided in step 5 of Enrollments wizard.
Expired The practice did not complete action items and the enrollment request has expired. The action items have not been completed within 45 business days. Check email for information. To continue enrollment, submit a new enrollment request for the payer.
Note: Emails are sent to the contact provided in step 5 of Enrollments wizard.
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