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Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)

Updated: 06/26/2024|Views: 8642

Tebra's Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) enables EPCS enrolled providers to query their state's PDMP in Tebra for a comprehensive view of their patient’s controlled substance prescribing history when ePrescribing a controlled substance.

Tebra PDMP Preview

  1. ePrescribe a controlled substance.
  2. Review the patient's PDMP data from the state.
  3. Authenticate the prescription to prescribe the controlled substance.

Interested in Tebra's PDMP? Review the FAQs to learn more about the program and how to enroll your providers.



Answers to the most common PDMP questions.

Question Answer
What is a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)? A PDMP is a state electronic database that collects, monitors, and analyzes electronically transmitted prescribing and dispensing data submitted by pharmacies within a particular state. This program was implemented by individual state legislation to support the states’ efforts in education, research, enforcement, and abuse prevention.
Why is a PDMP important? PDMP provides prescribers critical information regarding their patients’ controlled substance prescription history. This helps providers distinguish between patients who legitimately need opioid medications for pain treatment and those who may be seeking to misuse these powerful drugs.
Is enrolling for the state's PDMP mandatory? There are currently 45 states with mandates in place, and 49 states—and the District of Columbia—have active PDMP databases that collect and report prescribing and dispensing data to authorized users. Additionally, EPCS is strongly encouraged in all 50 states. Many states require prescribers to register with them in order to access PDMP data and perform mandatory queries.

Review the Mandates Driving EPCS and PDMP Utilization section on EPCSGold to check if your state has a PDMP mandate in effect.
How does a provider enroll for their state's PDMP? If the provider's state has a mandate in place, providers will need to be credentialed with their state's PDMP. Review your state's PDMP website for more information about their credentialing process.

Review the Mandates Driving EPCS and PDMP Utilization section on EPCSGold to check if your state has a PDMP mandate in effect or to view your state's PDMP website.
What is Tebra's PDMP? Tebra's PDMP enables EPCS enrolled providers to query their state's PDMP when ePrescribing a controlled substance.
Can any provider enroll for Tebra's PDMP? To enroll for Tebra's PDMP, the provider must be a Tebra Clinical subscriber and enrolled for Electronic Prescribing of Controlled substances (EPCS).

The provider must also be credentialed with their state’s PDMP.  This is a prerequisite for getting set up through Tebra.
Is enrolling for the Tebra's PDMP mandatory? Of the 45 states with mandates in place, only Illinois requires a connection to the provider's electronic health record (EHR) to interface directly with the ILPMP.
What is the cost to enroll for Tebra's PDMP? There is a one time implementation fee per practice. Depending on the state the practice is in, there may be an additional annual fee per provider. Learn more about the fees during the enrollment process for Tebra's PDMP.

Some states offer a subsidy for the provider's annual fee. Review the Mandates Driving EPCS and PDMP Utilization section on EPCSGold to check if your state offers a State License Subsidy.
How does a provider enroll for Tebra's PDMP? Complete and submit the PDMP Enrollment Request form.

For Illinois providers, download the Attestation Letter. Complete and sign the letter to attach to the PDMP Enrollment Request form.
Note: Illinois requires a wet signature.
What type of documentation or information is required for Tebra's PDMP enrollment? In addition to basic practice information, the state may require the State Board License Number, License State Board, DEA Number, or a wet signature on the attestation letter.
Is enrollments for Tebra's PDMP completed at the practice or provider level? Both. The practice and provider(s) that want access will be enrolled during the initial set up. Additional providers can be added to the practice's enrollment in the future.

Note: Only enrolled providers will have access to the PDMP data when ePrescribing a controlled substance.
How do I add additional providers to the practice's Tebra PDMP enrollment? Complete and submit the PDMP Enrollment Request form to enroll additional providers.

For Illinois providers, download the Attestation Letter. Complete and sign the letter to attach to the PDMP Enrollment Request form.
Note: Illinois requires a wet signature.
How long does the enrollment for Tebra's PDMP process take? Depending on the state, enrollments could take two to four weeks.
Who do I contact if I have questions? Contact your Account Manager or Customer Care for assistance.
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