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Tebra Help Center

Release Notes August 2020

Updated: 08/20/2020
Views: 1720

On August 2020, your Kareo account will be upgraded to the latest version.

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Patient Statements Delivery Report

The new Patient Statements Delivery Report provides tracking and measurement of patient statements and patient payments activity for a specified time frame. This report provides actionable insights to improve Statement Delivery methods (e.g., TextEmailMail)  to ensure patients are reading and responding to statements. The Patient Statements Delivery Report also reveals which patient’s mobile, email or mail address needs to be verified if they appear on an error list. 

Navigate Patient Statements Delivery Report

  • On the top menu bar, click Reports > Patients > Patient Statements Delivery. The Patient Statements Delivery Report window opens. 
  1. Date Range Sent: Click to select the date range to generate patient statements and patient payments activity during that time frame.
  2. Download Report: Click to print or save the report using the computer's print function.
  3. Overview: Provides consolidated counts of unique Patients Who Received Statements and Patients Made Payments during the specified time frame.
  4. Text Messages:
    • Delivery Rate: The percent of text balance reminders delivered from the original batch(es) submitted during the specified time frame.
    • Statements Sent: Number of statements sent via text method.
    • Deliveries: Number of statements verified as delivered to a mobile phone number.
    • Errors: Number of statements that were not delivered successfully via text method.
      • To view details such as the patient, date sent and error of the Text Messages Errors, click View Details.
  5. Emails:
    • Delivery Rate: The percent of email balance reminders delivered from the original batch(es) submitted during the specified time frame.
    • Statements Sent: Number of statements sent via email method.
    • Deliveries: Number of statements confirmed as delivered to an email box.
    • Unique Opens: Number of emailed statements that were opened.
    • Errors: Number of statements that were not delivered successfully via email method. 
      Note: Depending on the email service provider, error responses may take up to 24 hours.
      • To view details such as the patient, date sent and error of the Email Errors, click View Details.
  6. Mail Through Mailing House:
    • Delivery Rate: The percent of mailed statements delivered from the original batch(es) submitted during the specified time frame.
    • Statements Sent: Number of printed and mailed statements through Kareo's mailing service.
    • Delivery in Progress: Number of mailed statements during a five business day period where they cannot be confirmed as delivered or undeliverable.
    • Deliveries: Number of printed and mailed statements that did not return as undeliverable.
    • Errors: Number of returned mailed statements and statements that received errors. 
      • To review and address the errors, click Clearinghouse Reports. The Find Clearinghouse Report window opens at the Patient Statements tab and displays the list of reports to review.

Security Policy Options

To save time for System Administrators, users who exceed the set amount of failed login attempts are no longer locked. Upon sign in, they are instead prompted to reset their password. Only users that have intentionally been deactivated are prompted their account has been locked and to contact their System Administrator.

Set Failed Login Attempts

  1. Click Settings > Options > Security Policy Options. The Edit Security Policy Options window opens.
  2. Freeze Account: Select the amount of times a user can fail to log in before they are prompted to reset their password.
  3. Click Save.

User Experience

  • Users who exceed the set amount of failed login attempts are prompted to reset their password:


Billing General Improvements

  • A message now displays when sending patient statements that Text Balance Reminders will not be sent to patients who have opted out. 
  • Updated certain CPT code rates to reflect new Medicare fees as of April 30, 2020. 

Billing Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where users experienced error, "Named Pipes Provider", upon Kareo log in
  • Fixed an issue where users experienced an error when searching for the keyword, "document", in All fields of the Find Document window 
  • Fixed an issue where users experienced an unhandled exception error when opening patient records
  • Fixed an issue where the patient's mobile phone number was not populating on encounter forms
  • Fixed an issue where users experienced a blank window when initiating a new message from the patient record 
  • Fixed an issue causing Jopari claims to reject for missing information/attachments
  • Fixed an issue where users experienced an incorrect code scrubbing error for procedure codes 90837 and 90791
  • Fixed an issue where Health Prime accounts experienced an internal server error when updating the procedure line on Billing Tasks
  • Fixed an issue where the date of service defaults to the start date of a recurring appointment series when creating a Charge Capture
  • Fixed an issue where provider and service location information does not auto-populate from the appointment when creating a Charge Capture if the patient does not have default information
  • Fixed an issue where users received the duplicated procedure code error when sending a Charge Capture with the same procedure code but different modifiers

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Treatment Plans

Kareo's new Treatment Plans allow providers to build comprehensive treatment plans for their patients. This is a powerful tool for engaging patients in their treatment through detailed plans tailored to their individual needs. Treatment Plans help guide patients towards reaching their goals while providers can monitor their progress and make treatment adjustments when necessary.

Create Treatment Plan

  1. Open the patient's record.
  2. Click Notes. The Notes page opens.
  3. Click +Create Treatment Plan. The Treatment Plan page opens.
  4. Plan Details: Displays the Status and Patient information. Select a Start Date and provider the treatment plan is Assigned To.
  5. Overview: Enter the patient's diagnosis, presenting problem, behavioral definition, and any other relevant information.
  6. Goals: Add goals, objectives, and interventions through a structured hierarchy. This allows providers to add multiple objectives to a goal and multiple interventions to an objective.
  7. Timeline: Select a Target Completion Date and enter the Treatment Frequency.
  8. Signature: Provider and patient/guardian can electronically sign off the developed treatment plan.
  9. Click the print icon to provide the treatment plan to the patient or to capture signature(s) via paper.
  10. Click Save when finished. The treatment plan is now available on the Notes page.

Reference Treatment Plan in Note

Feature available on August 27, 2020.

Providers can reference active treatment plans while documenting a clinical note. The Treatment Plan section will display when:

  • The patient has treatment plans with the status of In Progress
  • The note is a clinical note
  • The note is not signed

Referencing the treatment plan in the note allows the provider to pull in certain goals or objective to focus on.

  1. Create a note or open an existing note for the patient.
  2. Click Expand to view details about the treatment plan. The Treatment Plan panel opens.
  3. If available, select a different Start Date to view details for the corresponding treatment plan.

Enhanced Care Checklist

The enhanced Care Checklist allows providers to mark Care Checklist items in accordance with the Regulatory requirements for 2020. The Care Checklist must be completed the same day as the visit and before the note is signed.

Care Checklist Workflow

  1. Open a clinical note.
  2. Click on Care Checklist. The Patient Care Checklist for Current Note page opens.
  3. Select the status for each available measure:
    • Completed: Mark the measure as completed and select a result.
    • Not Completed: Mark the measure as not completed.
    • Excepted: Mark the measure as excepted and select a reason.
  4. Click Save and Return to Note.
  5. Continue with patient care.

Care Checklist items are saved and displayed in the Patient Care Checklist History. This is a read-only view of the previous Care Checklist items.

  1. Open a patient's record.
  2. Click Care Checklist. The Patient Care Checklist History page opens.
  3. Review marked Care Checklist items.
  4. When available, click the arrow to expand or collapse additional details.

Clinical General Improvements

  • The clinical quantity dispense form now displays next to the quantity field when prescribing or adding a medication.
  • Updated Vaccines to the FDA 2020 Vaccines Licensed for Use.
  • Updated DTaP-IPV Vaccine to include brand Quadracel by Sanofi Pasteur.
  • Updated the VIS date for Hepatitis A to reflect current CDC guidelines.

Clinical Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where users received an error message when prescribing Basaglar KwikPen U-100 Insulin

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Engage Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where patient's were unable to request appointment through the Provider Profile
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to view and publish patient reviews
  • Fixed an issue where Service Details in the Provider Profile did not save changes after editing
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to view new messages under the Other folder
  • Fixed an issue where links added to Consent Forms were not being saved
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect appointment date and time displayed after confirming the appointment
  • Fixed an issue where the appointment confirmation was displaying the Practice phone number instead of the Service Location phone number

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Platform Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to access the Patient Portal tab in the patient's demographics
  • Fixed an issue where the provider's name displayed the incorrect capitalization on Patient Intake emails


Mobile Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where users received an error message when prescribing from a note
  • Fixed an issue where some drug-to-drug interactions did not display in the mobile app
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