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Tebra Help Center

Navigate Patient Notes

Updated: 08/16/2023|Views: 45021

Navigate Notes to review all notes and treatment plans for a patient.

Access Notes

  1. Enter the first 2–3 letters of the patient's name or date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) in the top navigation bar search box.
  2. Click to select the patient from the auto-populated results. The patient's Facesheet page opens.
  3. Click Notes. The Notes page opens.

Navigate Notes

  1. +Create Treatment Plan: Click to create a new treatment plan.
  2. + Create Note: Click to create a new note using the default note type.
  3. Select filters to view specific notes.
    • Sort by: Sort by Date of Service or Last Update.
    • User: Display notes for All users or by a specific user.
    • Display: Display Active, Marked as Error, or CCD Imports notes.
    • Note Type: Display All note types or by a specific note type.
  4. The following details displays for the note:
    • The type of note.
    • A lock icon displays when another user is accessing the note. If necessary, advise the user to unlock the note.
    • The Chief Compliant in the note.
    • The status of the note:
      • Open: The note is created but not yet saved.
      • Signed: The note is signed.
    • The provider(s) assigned to the note.
    • The date of service and the date the note was last updated.
  5. Access note:

Navigate Treatment Plans

The Treatment Plans section only displays when a treatment plan is created for the patient.

  1. Display: Filter by Active or Marked as Error treatment plans.
  2. The following details displays for the treatment plan:
    • The status of the treatment plan:
    • The provider assigned to the the treatment plan.
    • The start date of the treatment plan and the date it was last updated.
  3. Open: Click to view, edit/update, complete, or mark the treatment plan as error.