Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) Alert
Clinical enables medical professionals to write prescriptions for drugs, durable medical equipment (DME), or supplies that can be printed for the patient or sent electronically to the pharmacy. With each new medication prescribed, Clinical automatically checks for, and alerts you to, the potential for significant drug-drug interactions or allergic reactions.
A Drug-Drug Interaction alert message appears when a prescribed drug has the potential to cause significant interactions with other drugs in the patient's Active Medications list. There are three Drug-Drug Alert severity levels:
- Major Drug Interaction: The effects may result in death, hospitalization, permanent injury, or therapeutic failure.
- Moderate Drug Interaction: Medical intervention is needed to treat effects; effects do not meet criteria for Major.
- Minor Drug Interaction: The effects would be considered tolerable in most cases - no need for medical intervention.
Based on your Drug-Drug Alert notification settings, you have the following choices when an alert appears:
- Select an Override Reason and proceed with the prescription
- Override the alert and proceed with the prescription without selecting an override reason
- Cancel the prescription and choose an alternate drug
Create Prescription
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Navigate Drug-Drug Alert
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Continue PrescriptionTo continue prescribing the selected medication, complete the following steps.
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