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Merit-Based Incentive Programs (MIPS)

Updated: 05/17/2024|Views: 11563

If you meet the eligibility requirements for the CMS Medicare Incentive Program, you may earn a performance-based payment adjustment through MIPS. You will see a positive, neutral or negative adjustment ranging from -9% for no participation to +9 for full participation for the performance year. The size of your payment adjustment will depend both on how much data you submit and your performance results.


To participate in MIPS, clinicians must meet the three low volume threshold criteria:

  1. Bill Medicare over $90,000 in Part B allowed charges a year, and
  2. Provide covered professional services for more than 200 Part B-enrolled individuals, and
  3. Provide 200 or more covered professional services to Part B-enrolled individuals

Additionally, providers must be one of the clinician types listed:

  • Physicians (including doctors of medicine, osteopathy, dental surgery, dental medicine, podiatric medicine, and optometry)
  • Osteopathic practitioners
  • Chiropractors
  • Physician assistants
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Clinical nurse specialists
  • Certified registered nurse anesthetists
  • Physical therapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Clinical psychologists
  • Qualified speech-language pathologists
  • Qualified audiologists
  • Registered dietitians or nutrition professionals
  • Clinical social workers
  • Certified nurse midwives

Eligible clinicians (ECs) must report data in four categories unless otherwise specified by your MIPS eligibility:

  1. Quality
    • Pick six measures that best fit your practice and specialty
    • Include one Outcome measure or one High-Priority measure
    • Report for a full year
    • Submit via QRDA submission, Claim Submission or via Registry
  2. Promoting Interoperability
    • Clinicians will be scored based on performance in four objectives
    • Completing both the Security Risk Assessment and the SAFER Review is mandatory
    • Base on bonus points have been removed
    • Report 180 days or up to a full year
    • Submit via the QPP attestation website or via a registry
  3. Improvement Activities
    • Submit up to 40 points
    • Select from an inventory of over 100 activities to show how you improve care for your patients, enhance patient engagement and increase access to care among others
    • Report 90 days or up to a full year based on the activity requirements
    • Submit via the QPP attestation website or via a registry
  4. Cost
    • Cost measures assess the total cost of care during the year or during a hospital stay
    • Medicare calculates your score on Cost based on Medicare claims submitted
    • Data submission is not required. Medicare will automatically evaluate Part B claims submitted for the full year

Eligible clinicians must submit their MIPS data via their selected submission method by March 31 of the following calendar year. Some submission methods are:

  • QRDA
  • Claims
  • Registry
  • Manual Attestation
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