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CMS 153 - Chlamydia Screening for Women

Updated: 05/21/2024|Views: 822

CMS 153 / Quality ID #310

Percentage of women 16-24 years of age who were identified as sexually active at any time during the measurement period and who had at least one test for chlamydia during the measurement period.

Denominator: Women 16 to 24 years of age by the end of the measurement period who are sexually active and who had a visit in the measurement period.
  • Patient’s age is calculated based on the patient’s Date of Birth, which was entered when you created the patient’s account.
  • Create a note detailing the patient’s office visit.
  • A diagnosis of "HIV", "Complications of Pregnancy", "Childbirth and the Puerperium", or "Diagnoses Used to Indicate Sexual Activity" documented in Problems will classify a woman as sexually active.
  • Contraceptives documented in Medications will classify a woman as sexually active.
  • "Pregnancy Test", "Pap Test", "Lab Tests during Pregnancy", "Lab Tests for Sexually Transmitted Infections", or "Diagnostic Studies during Pregnancy" documented under Labs/Studies will classify a woman as sexually active.
  • "Procedures Used to Indicate Sexual Activity" documented under Hospitalizations/Procedures in History will classify a woman as sexually active.
  • Patients marked as "Sexually active" in Social History are also included in the denominator.
Denominator Exclusions: Women who are only eligible for the initial population due to a pregnancy test during the measurement period and who had an x-ray or an order for a specified medication on the date of the pregnancy test or the six days after  the pregnancy test.

Exclude patients who are in hospice care for any part of the measurement period.

  • Hospice is documented under Hospice in History. These patients will be excluded from the denominator.
Numerator: Women with at least one chlamydia test during the measurement period.
Office Visit Documentation:

Once all steps have been completed, the measure will be added to the Quality Measures Report.

Measure type: Process
High Priority Measure: No
Telehealth Eligible: Yes
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