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Tebra Help Center

Create Group Note

Updated: 08/01/2024|Views: 4523

The Group Appointments feature gives you the flexibility to add multiple patients to the same appointment. Providers can create a shared note that applies to the entire group or create individual notes for each patient attending the group appointment.

icon_tip.png Tip: After the patient's individual note is signed, patients can access their health record in the Patient Portal to review their summary of care.

Create Group Note

  1. Click on the group appointment on the Dashboard to view the appointment card.
  2. Click Create Group Note. The Welcome to Group Notes pop-up window opens.
  3. Click Got it. The Group Note page opens.

Document Group Note

  1. Appointment Notes: Optionally, add notes related to the appointment. These notes are not added to patient charts.
  2. Scheduled Attendees: By default, all attendees are selected to indicate they were present at the appointment.
    • To mark a patient as absent, click to clear the checkbox next to the patient's name.
    • To collect the patient's payment, click the dollar icon. The payments page opens in the same browser window.
      Tip_Icon.png Tip: To avoid losing the group note, right click on the icon and select Open in new window.
    • To remove the patient from the scheduled attendee list, click the trash icon. Then, click Yes to confirm in the pop-up window.
      Note: The patient will also be removed from the scheduled group appointment. To indicate a no-show, mark the patient as absent to add applicable notes.
    • To add a patient to the group appointment that was not originally scheduled, begin entering the patient's name and click on the patient's name when it appears.
      • If the patient record is not found, select Click to create new patient record to add a patient record.
  3. Session Details: By default, the Start Time, End Time, Duration, and number of Clients are populated from the scheduled group appointment. These details will be saved to the patient's group note.
    • The number of clients automatically updates when the scheduled attendees is marked as absent or a new patient is added.
  4. Shared Note: Enter a shared note that applies to the entire group. These notes are not intended for individual patients.
  5. Individual Notes: Optionally, enter notes for individual patients. The individual note is populated in the Individual Behaviour during Session section of the Group Note.
  6. Absentee Notes: When applicable, enter notes for absent patients. The notes are saved as a Memo to Record in the patient's chart.
  7. Print: Click to generate a PDF of the Group Note page.
  8. Click Send to Patient Charts when finished. The Note Saving Warning pop-up window opens.
  9. Click Save Notes to Charts. The group notes are created as an unsigned note in the patient's charts.
    Note: After saving, the Group Note page will no longer available for editing. Any editing or signing of notes must be done through each patient's individual chart.
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