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Tebra Help Center

Notes AutoSave

Updated: 12/22/2023|Views: 4601

Clinical automatically saves a note to increase productivity and avoid losing clinical note.

Criteria for Notes AutoSave:

A new note can be created from three different locations: the patient's appointment on the Dashboard, the patient's Facesheet, and the Notes tab. It is recommended to create the note from the patient appointment to auto-populate appointment details.

Create Clinical Note

  1. Hover over the Platform icon and click on Dashboard. The Dashboard opens.
  2. Click the In Office tab. All patients with an in-office status displays.
  3. Click on the patient's appointment to view the appointment card.
  4. Click Create Clinical Note. The default note type opens.
    Note: If a clinical note for this appointment is in progress, the saved note opens.
    • To select a different note type, click the drop-down arrow and select the note.

AutoSave Workflow

  1. Click on a section header to add notes using free-form text, Text Shortcut, or Template.
    Note: Depending on the standard note type or custom note type selected to create a note, sections and templates of the note will vary.
  2. Click X or click on another section header to close the current section and autosave the note.
    Note: The section must be closed for the note to autosave.
  3. The Last Saved status displays to indicate when the note was last saved.
  4. Continue to document the note and finalize as necessary. The note continues to autosave when the criteria for Notes AutoSave is met.
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