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Tebra Help Center

Navigate Patient Medications

Updated: 07/07/2023|Views: 13738

Navigate Medications to manage the patient's medications. Review active, discontinued, or not administered medications. Additionally, retrieve the patient's medication history from Surescripts or prescribe new medications.

Access Patient Medications

  1. Enter the first 2–3 letters of the patient's name or date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) in the top navigation bar search box.
  2. Click to select the patient from the auto-populated results. The patient's Facesheet page opens.
  3. Click Medications. The Active Medications page opens.

Navigate Patient Medications

  1. Active Medications: Description of medication, date prescribed, dosage, prescribing provider, and the pharmacy it was sent to.
    Note: The pharmacy displays when medications are prescribed through Tebra.
    • When available, click See All to view additional details.
    • A comment icon displays when a note is associated to the medication. Hover over the comment icon to view the additional details.
    • A status icon displays when the pharmacy is requesting a change of medication, a cancellation is pending, or a cancel request failed to send. Click the status icon to open the corresponding eRx request page.
  2. Discontinued: Click to view or renew medications no longer active.
  3. Not Administered: Click to view medications that were not administered to a patient.
  4. Marked As Error: Click to view medications marked as error. The tab is only accessible when a medication has been marked as an error.
  5. + Prescription: Click to prescribe medication for a patient.
  6. + Med List: Click to add medications to the patient's chart.
  7. No known medications: Click to select to indicate the patient is not taking any medications or is not aware of any known medications.
  8. Medication reconciliation: Document whether a medication reconciliation has been performed or excepted due to medical contraindication.
  9. Manage medications: Select a medication and perform one or more of the following actions.
  10. Med History via Surescripts: With the patient's consent, retrieve their medication history from Surescript for the past 12 months or the last 50 drugs filled.
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