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Tebra Help Center

Release Notes January 2025

Updated: 01/22/2025|Views: 2350

On January 23, 2025, your Tebra account will be upgraded to the latest version.


Billing Reports: All Patients Report

Increase practice efficiency with the customizable All Patients report. Quickly identify patients with missing information or needing follow-up, and analyze patient distribution to identify trends.

Navigate All Patients Report

  • Hover over the Analytics icon and click Patients. The All Patients report page opens.
    1. Search: Click to search for specific report data.
    2. Refresh Data: Click to refresh the report data.
    3. Table Filters: By default, all active patients display.
      • To filter by specific criteria, click the filter icon and add the appropriate filter(s) (e.g., Patient Age, Referral Source, Default Rendering Provider).
        • To remove a filter, click X.
    4. Table Configuration: Click to adjust the table density (e.g., Compact, Standard, Comfortable) and/or manage the table columns to hide/show a column.
    5. Table Actions: Click to export the report to CSV or Excel, create a new report, or to save or delete a customized report.
    6. Columns: Customize the report to only display specific columns and in the preferred order. Available options depend on the column data.
      Note: Data grouping and aggregation does not save when creating a new report.
      • To reorder the columns, click the column header then drag and drop in the preferred order.
      • To sort by ascending or descending, hover over the column header and click the arrow.
      • To sort more than one column, hold down the Shift key on the keyboard and click to select the column(s).
      • To sort, unsort, hide or manage columns, hover over the column header and click the more options icon.
      • To group all records by a specific column, hover over the column header and click the more options icon. Then, select Group by (column name).
        Note: Once applied, an additional column displays with the grouping.
      • To aggregate a column by count (size), sum, average, etc., hover over the column header and click the more options icon. Then, select the appropriate option from the Aggregation drop-down menu.
        Note: Once applied, values display at the footer of the report table and at the group level when grouping data.
    7. Patient Summary: Displays information such as the patient ID number, status, patient name, patient date of birth, age, sex, marital status, etc. Scroll as necessary to view more information.
      • To open and view the Patient Facesheet, click the Patient ID or name.

Desktop Application (PM) Analytics Reports

The All Appointments, Missed Charges, Insurance Collections, All Patients, Payouts and saved Customized Reports are now accessible from within the Desktop Application (PM).

Navigate to Analytics Reports


Billing General Improvements

  • The Insurance Collections report is now available for all customers.
  • The All Appointments, Missed Charges, Insurance Collections, and Payouts reports include usability enhancements such as data searching, grouping and aggregation.
  • The New Practice Setup wizard has been updated to prevent Administrator only users from unintentionally being created as Provider users during the practice set up.

Billing Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where text messages were not being sent to patients
  • Fixed an issue where the Customer Account Detail report was not including email patient statements data
  • Fixed an issue where inaccurate values returned on the Billing Analytics report
  • Fixed an issue where users experience a continuous spinning wheel attempting to update their Payment Method

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Batch ePrescriptions

The new Batch Prescribe feature allows providers to ePrescribe multiple medications (including EPCS) in a single order, reducing redundant data entry and streamlining the prescribing process.

Note: This feature is only available for eRx enrollment providers. EPCS enrollment is also required when providers are prescribing controlled substances in the batch.

Batch Prescribe

All batch prescriptions are saved until the provider cancels the batch or sends the batch to the pharmacy. This allows providers to add prescriptions anytime during their patient care workflow and send the prescriptions when the batch is finalized.
  1. Create a prescription.
  2. Click Add Rx to prescribe another medication. A banner displays with the prescriptions added to the order.
  3. Continue to add prescriptions, as necessary.
  4. When the last prescription is populated, click View Order Summary. The Order Summary page opens.
  1. Review all prescriptions in the order.
    • To permanently remove a medication from the order summary, click the trash icon.
    • To add an additional prescription, click Add Another Rx.
    • To cancel the batch and permanently remove all medications from the order summary, click Cancel Order.
  2. Click Send to Pharmacy when finished. The prescriptions are sent to the pharmacy.

Clinical Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to add the Capvaxive 0.5 mL intramuscular syringe (Pneumococcal PCV21) vaccine to the patient's immunizations

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Enhancement: Documents

The document experience now includes a modernized interface, offering an intuitive layout that enhances customer interaction. The updated Documents page allows users to perform advanced search, expanded document options, bulk document actions, and manage document labels.

Feature will be deployed to customers in phases and completed by the end of February 2025.

New Document Features
  1. Hover over the Platform icon and click on Documents. The Documents page opens.
  2. Advanced Search: Filter documents based on multiple dimensions such as patient name, document type, and date range. Advanced search makes it easier for users to find specific documents, such as those related to a patient within a particular time frame. For example, searching for "legal 2021 grace chen" will display legal documents from 2021 for patient Grace Chen.
  1. Document Actions: Select multiple documents. Then, click the Document Actions drop-down and select Download, Share To Patient, or Delete the documents.
    • Shared files are only sent to the Patient Portal when the document is associated to a patient and has not been previously shared.
  1. More Options: Click the more options icon to select View, Download, Share to Patient, Edit, or Delete the document.
  1. Manage Document Labels: Hide preset labels that are not relevant to the practice.
    1. Upload or edit a document.
    2. Click the Label drop-down list and select Manage Labels. The list of labels displays.
    3. Click the label toggle off.
    4. Click Save when finished. The label is now hidden when uploading or editing a document.

Platform Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where text messages were not being sent to patients
  • Fixed an issue where the provider's office hours incorrectly displayed on the new calendar
  • Fixed an issue where patients did not receive text messages sent by the practice
  • Fixed an issue where users experience a continuous spinning wheel attempting to update their Payment Method


Tebra Payments

Tebra Payments Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where some customers were missing payouts
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