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Tebra Help Center

Telehealth Visit

Updated: 08/16/2024|Views: 16890

Telehealth is the next generation HIPAA compliant video visit solution. Telehealth visits can be conducted on a computer or mobile device with up to 200 participants. This allows providers the flexibility to host multiple patients or providers in one visit room.

Review Patient Experience: Telehealth Visit to learn more about the patient's view.


Available for Telehealth subscribers.

Access Telehealth Visit

Providers should join the telehealth visit from the Dashboard to be granted host permission. This will give the providers the ability to approve or deny participants access to the visit room.

Providers can also join the telehealth visit by directly accessing their Telehealth URL. However, they must be logged into Tebra using the same web browser to be granted host permission.

  1. Click Join on the Scheduled telehealth appointment. The video appointment opens in a new browser window.
    Note: The button to join is accessible for all users in the practice. It displays 30 minutes before the appointment start time and remains available until 2 hours after the appointment end time. 
  1. If necessary, activate the microphone and camera. Click Request permissions.
  2. Click Allow to use the microphone and camera.
  3. Optionally, click Run test to help identify potential technical issues with a pre-call test.
    • To continue to the visit without completing the pre-call test, click Skip test.
  1. Click Join Meeting. The telehealth visit room launches.

Manage Participants

After participants knock to request access, they await the provider's response in a waiting room. The provider is notified when someone knocks and has the option to allow participants into the room in bulk or manage the participant's request individually.

  1. To allow all participants who knocked in, click Let in from the notification.
    • If additional participants knock, click Let in to allow them access.
  1. To manage individual participants, click the People icon. The People panel opens.
    • To let a specific participant in, click Let in on their image. The participant joins the room.
      • If necessary, repeat the step to let additional participants in.
    • To send the participant a message, click Respond on their image. The message field opens with additional options.
      • Enter the message and click Put on Hold. The participant receives the response and is notified that their request to join is on hold.
        Note: Patients cannot reply to the provider's message.
    • To deny the participant access, click Respond on their image. Additional opens displays.
      • Click the Put on hold drop-down arrow and select Reject. The participant is removed from the waiting room and receives a message stating, "The host did not grant you access. If you were invited to this room, please contact the person who invited you."

Begin Telehealth Visit

Once participants are in the telehealth visit room, providers can begin the visit and document the clinical note or group note.

If necessary, providers can also create a breakout session during the telehealth visit to split participants of the call into smaller groups.

Review Navigate Telehealth Room to learn more about the available host features.


End Telehealth Visit

The telehealth visit can be ended for all participants in the room, including the provider. Or the provider can remain in the room and remove participant(s) of the current visit to continue with another appointment. 

  1. To end the telehealth visit for all participants and the provider, hover over the Leave icon and select End meeting for all. The participants and provider is removed from the room and the You've left the room page opens to confirm the visit has ended.
  2. To individually remove participants, hover over the participant and click the more options icon. Then, click Remove. The participant is removed from the room and the You've left the room page opens to confirm the visit has ended for them.
  3. To remove all participants while the provider remains in the room, click to the People icon to expand the panel. Then, click the more options icon and select Remove all. The participants are removed from the room and the You've left the room page opens to confirm the visit has ended for them.
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