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Tebra Help Center

Copy or Resend Patient Link

Updated: 09/21/2023|Views: 3205

Patients receive an appointment reminder with a link to join the telehealth visit room after an appointment is scheduled. When necessary, front office staff can send an on demand telehealth appointment confirmation email and text with the link to join the video visit to the patient. They can also copy the patient link to send to patients or participants through the Message Center. The option to copy or resend patient link is available until 2 hours after the appointment end time.

Copy Patient Link

Once an appointment is scheduled, send the appointment link to the patients or participants to join the telehealth visit room.

  1. On the Dashboard, click on the appointment to view the appointment card.
  2. Click the more options icon and click Copy Patient Link.
    Note: The option to copy patient link is available until 2 hours after the appointment end time.
  1. Send the copied link through the Message Center via email or text.
    1. Paste the copied link in the Body field.

Resend Patient Link

  1. On the Dashboard, click on the appointment to view the appointment card.
  2. Click the more options icon and click Resend Link to Patient. A green confirmation message displays.
    Note: The option to resend link to patient is unavailable two hours after the appointment ends or the patient does not have an email/phone number on file.
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